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With Original Art by Frances Whitman

There is something very special about owning an original piece of art.

Each piece of art carries the energy of the process, each stroke of the pencil, the pastel or the paintbrush, the joy of creating, the expectation, the love of being in the moment and the sense of joy in the viewing of the completed work.

I believe my artworks choose their owners, even before I have painted them, they seem to know who they are destined for.

Intuitive Art

​Making the Invisible Visible

Frances combines her natural abilities as an artist and medium to create beautiful intuitive paintings. Sensing and connecting to the energies of the subject she is portraying, bringing this vibration into view through her artworks.

Using a broad spectrum of colours and mediums, Frances' intuitive art depicts energy, nature, spirits, angels and dreamscapes, to list just a few.

Sacred Sites

& LocationalEnergy Art

Frances visits sacred sites and locations in the UK and abroad. Connecting and sensing the energetic vibrations present, past and future, energies resonating from the land, structures and offered by the guardians of the sites. Frances paints these energies to making them visible to the viewer through her pastel paintings and is inspired to write words to accompany the artwork.

Wildlife Art

Frances is well known for capturing the intricate detail, essence and beauty of animals in her stunning wildlife art, especially the realism she achieves in the eyes ‘the windows of the soul’.Self-taught working with acrylic and coloured pencil, she creates layer upon layer to achieve the high level of detail and depth in her wildlife art, bringing her animals to life.

Fluid Art Originals

I am offering a selection of my Fluid Art Originals for sale.

These are paintings that I have created either during or for my intuitive art workshops.

All priced at £35.00 plus £5.00 postage within the UK.

Please select the title of the painting you would like to purchase from the drop down list and add p&p.

Fluid Art Original Paintings

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