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universal energy oracle cards,psychics in Cheltenham
Art to Inspire
Hello, my name is Frances Whitman, and I love to use my natural artistic talents to create both intuitive art and wildlife art.
Using my my intuitive abilities as a medium.
I create soul energy portraits and readings for clients, either in person from my studio or on Zoom.
My new Visionary Sound Therapy session details will be added Autumn 2024
My intuitive art is inspired by my natural connection to the energy of the seen and unseen - bringing these into view for the viewer through my paintings and the words that flow as I paint.
My love of animals and nature are reflected in my animal drawings and paintings, capturing the essence and beauty of both wildlife and nature.
​I was inspired to create a vibrant and energy packed deck of 78 Universal Energy Oracle Cards, bringing guidance and upliftment to people using and working with them.
I love to help people find their own inner artist and allow themselves the opportunity to express themselves intuitively through my art workshops.
“The position of the artist is humble.
He is essentially a channel.”
Piet Mondrian
Universal Energy Oracle Cards – A 78 full colour deck
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